Qualité de l'air intérieur

Indoor Air Purifier Technology 101

A guide to help you understand the technology basics in portable air purifier systems.

February 1, 2021
Dernière mise à jour le :
February 17, 2022
Dernière mise à jour le :
February 17, 2022

In our current climate, economizing airflow and filtration doesn’t make sense. It’s important businesses and institutions choose health over cost. Regardless of the space, the air is often riddled with several common pollutants and irritants. Indoor air typically has contaminants such as; viruses, bacteria, pollen, dust, allergens, VOCs, mold, bacteria, and carcinogens in the air for many indoor spaces.

To rid the air of these harmful substances, the easiest and cost-effective way to improve indoor air quality is with a portable air purifier system. We have put together a guide to help you understand the basics of portable air cleaners and how they can improve indoor air quality.

Brush-less Fan Motors

At the foundation of each of our air purifiers are brushless fan motors. These brushless motors allow for safe, quiet, and powerful air exchanges without the off-gassing and efficiency problems from standard brushed motors.


In each of our air purifiers that offers passive filtration, a washable fabric or metal mesh pre-filter captures large contaminants before reaching the main set of filters. In indoor spaces with pets, these pre-filters can capture pet hair to prevent extended wear on the main filters.

Filtration HEPA

We use high-quality HEPA Filters in all of our air purifiers featuring passive filtration. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) is a designation for filters that can trap over 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns or smaller. Our HEPA filters are engineered with special water-resistant polypropylene (plastic fibers) bound together to capture particles from 0.3 to as small as 0.1 microns.

Activated Carbon Stage/Filtration

Combined with a standard HEPA Filter, an Activated Carbon Stage or Filter provides an extra layer of needed protection. These filters' unique properties enable the removal of common gasses, odors, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) found in the air. By adding Activated Carbon to the passive filtration, air purifiers can filter out strong odors and harmful gasses, producing cleaner and odorless air.

Ionisation négative

Negative Ionization technology improves the performance of indoor air purifiers. Negative Ionization occurs through the emission of electrically charged molecules (known as ions) into the air. These ions stick to particles and clump them together, resulting in improved capture by various filtration stages. Sanalife features this technology in all our multi-stage air filtration systems as it is essential to filtration effectiveness.

Photocatalytic UV-C Light

La lumière UV-C photocatalytique permet aux purificateurs d'air de stériliser l'air qui passe dans le système. Après avoir capturé les particules à un niveau microscopique par filtration, les UV-C (lumière ultraviolette) inactivent ou détruisent les micro-organismes qui peuvent encore exister dans l'air. Nos ampoules UV-C sont revêtues pour garantir un fonctionnement sûr et éviter la production et la libération d'ozone dans l'atmosphère.

How is the performance of an air purifier measured?

Air purifier performance is measured in various ways depending on the capabilities and technologies these systems boast. However, a few standard measurements include ACH (air exchanges per hour), CFM (cubic feet per minute), and CADR (clean air delivery rate). For systems, CFM will help determine the output of the air purifier’s fan.

ACH is useful to determine the number of air exchanges an air purifier can conduct in set room size. While CADR can help calculate the delivery rate of clean air from a purifier inside a set room size. Simple tools such as this CADR Calculator can help you determine what CFM you need in an air purifier depending on the room size and desired number of air exchanges.

How do I choose the right air purifier for me?

Choosing the right air purifier for your business, school, or institution is a daunting task. With thousands of air purifiers on the market, it’s challenging to decide which system will be your best solution. At Sanalife, we make the process simple by focusing on three simple steps.

Step 1 - is to decide which spaces you need to protect. The amount of traffic, room use, layout(s), and size determine the placement and quantity to provide optimal protection.

Step 2 - is to determine the size of the space(s) you want to protect. By identifying space size, it's easier to determine which unit will provide the best CADR.

Step 3 - is to determine which features and air purifier technologies are most important. Depending on the size and use of space and potential indoor air quality problems, different features may be necessary. By working with one of our knowledgeable indoor air quality specialists, we can guide you through the decision process and provide unrivaled customized air purifier solutions.

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